
Premium food for cats and dogs


Super premium food for cats and dogs

OptiMeal (1)
Club 4 Paws

Premium food for cats and dogs

My love/Gav

Standard food for dogs

My Love/ Miau!

Standard food for cats

my love

Standard food for cat and dog


Take care of pets in the heat: Ukrainians are encouraged to feed their own and homeless animals

Thirty stations for watering dogs have been installed in Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Dnipro. Two more will soon start working in the parks of Lviv.

Kormotech, a Ukrainian manufacturer of dog and cat food, urges everyone to pay special attention to the drinking regime of four-legged pets in summer. The company's employees have installed 30 watering stations for dogs in the parks of Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Dnipro. Two more will be installed in Lviv soon. This is a social action to "Take care of pets in the heat".

When walking in the park, where there is a drinking station, do not forget to add fresh water to the tank. However, everyone can take care of their own and homeless dogs. All cities of Ukraine are encouraged to join the action. This requires the following:

  • Buy a bowl for water
  • Set it up in a park, a public square, or a tree in your area where you frequently see dogs.
  • Print and place a poster that explains what the bowl is for.

The initiative was launched due to the abnormal heat.

"Freedom from thirst is one of the key ones, which provides for the humane treatment of animals in all civilized countries. Free access to clean drinking water is a basic need for healthy activity of any dog. For those four-legged animals that do not yet have an owner, this becomes a special problem in the summer. However, for all of us, this is just a matter of indifference and responsibility," said Kateryna Kovalyuk, chief communication officer of Kormotech.

Kormotech employees also built 30 four-legged huts during regular work. Some will be transferred to the Lviv utility company Lev. Others will be set up in the village of Prylbychi in the Lviv region for the local stray dogs.

Drinking stations and huts for dogs were made from used wooden pallets. So the company reuses materials and promotes waste-free production at all stages.