
Premium food for cats and dogs


Super premium food for cats and dogs

OptiMeal (1)
Club 4 Paws

Premium food for cats and dogs

My love/Gav

Standard food for dogs

My Love/ Miau!

Standard food for cats

my love

Standard food for cat and dog



The company concluded an eight-year contract for using wind energy for power supply at its plant in Lithuania. Kormotech conserves resources and continues to implement ecological production technologies.

The Kormotech enterprise in Lithuania has been working on "green" energy since July 1. The contract provides 250 thousand kilowatts of energy from the wind power plant. 90-95% of all electricity currently used by the factory is alternative.

Kormotech's social responsibility prompted this: the company strives to minimize the risks of harmful environmental effects in every possible way. We introduce ecological production technologies and encourage other businesses to switch to clean energy.

The plant in Lithuania is highly automated: the enterprise is equipped with equipment from leading global manufacturers, which requires a significant amount of electricity. In 5 months, indicators in the ratio of costs in euros per ton of products have dropped significantly. So Kormotech not only optimizes production but also saves resources.

"When the cost of energy resources is increasing, we have ensured stability for the next eight years in the form of a fixed price for electricity generated by wind turbines. However, it will help not only in cost planning - we continue to optimize production. Alternative energy sources are one of the mandatory components. At the same time, we are working on the Ukrainian economy, which for the sake of victory, is important to maintain during the war. A globally responsible business must act responsibly in everything. We practice this approach about pets, their owners, partners, and the planet in general," says Ihor Paraniak, Chief operating officer of Kormotech.

Kormotech opened a wet fodder manufacturing plant in Lithuania in 2020. The production site is BRC, and IFS7 certified, guaranteeing exceptional product quality worldwide.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russians in Ukraine, its production facilities in Lithuania have become a strong rear for Kormotech in working for victory.